Nominate your favorite Smarty app blog


Howdy everyone! As I present on topics such as the use of iPad and apps for promoting speech and language services, I always emphasize the importance of reading app reviews and watching app video tutorials before making a choice on an app purchase. While we love what we do, and we work hard to try to spread the word about the apps we create, we rely on bloggers to inform you guys about their thoughts and opinions about our apps. We all agree that the five screenshots and the short description on iTunes most times cannot tell us much about an app.

Smarty Ears is very fortunate to count on various bloggers to review, and write their thoughts on our apps. We love our Smarty bloggers! They do it all free of charge for your benefit! It like a “read before you buy” kinda of service that benefits the entire community of parents and professionals. So in that spirit, we wanted to take the time to thank our Smarty bloggers and also start a campaign called “Nominate your favorite Smarty blogger“.

Here is how it will work:

If you follow a blog who reviews and evaluates apps and love what they write about, have learned about an app that your purchased in the past or know of a blogger you would LOVE to hear their opinion about our apps let us know. Fill out the form below and let us know your thoughts, we will compile a list of comments and share with our blogger friends so they know their work is being appreciated by everyone.  The blogger that receives the most votes will receive the a Smarty Ears t-shirt as our appreciation gift. Voting will end on August 7th, 2013.

Here at Smarty Ears we value our “blog friends” and we can only thank them for their support and feedback on one or many of our apps. I know that they spend a considerable amount of time playing with the app or even using the app with children before they post their feedback. This is the time you can write about how much you appreciate the work they do reviewing apps for you, providing creative app ideas and letting everyone know how good (or bad) the app is. 😉

Barbara Fernandes
Smarty Ears CEO
We have winner!!!  Congratulations to Carrie Speech Corner!
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